Monday, September 04, 2006
Do you know that Whimple has an uncle? Yes she does. He looks like this.  Cute ain't he? But she simply couldn't get past the mad dogs he had running loose about the lawn... (which is a very strange color indeed).  Darn.
I blogged @ | 7:53 AM
I love Mr Mush
Whimples's Adventures 1We all know that Whimple is a retard and a sucker for power and money. Anyway, we join our little heroine on her fun filled and dangerous adventures... Enjoy. Click for bigger picture.
I blogged @ | 12:44 PM
Last night I had my first go at a cocktail. It tasted so bitter and disgusting. But I wanted the glass they said we could keep only if we finished the cocktail! At first I began pouring the stuff away, then I thought: What a waste. I mean, those vodka, alcohol stuff you see in the shops ain't cheap. I wanted my dad to drink it but saw that he had his cocktail and a glass of red wine already. And he was supposed to drive me home so... But I still wanted the glass so badly. So I came up with a solution. While they were serving desert (it was a wedding anniversary dinner), I began to scape all the chocolate sauce from my tiramisoo and began to pour it into my glass. All my fellow diners must have thought I was crazy. Someone even asked: "Do you like chemistry?" (Which was dumb because I brought my chemistry book to study during the celebration and was told that it was inappropriate... exams mah) So I drank that chocolate cocktail thing and it tasted really nice, expect for maybe the mushy crumbs from the cake which was being liquified in my drink. It wasn't bitter anymore. Whee! So that's Mel's story about her very first cocktail.
I blogged @ | 9:03 PM
This education has reduced us to a nation of morons!I've been spewing quotes about the house. It's really fun cause I say lots of offensive statements from the books and everyone thinks I'm mad! Whee! Or am I mad, or else this is a dreamHahahaha. My apologies for the linkrots about my page. I've cleared them up anyway so happy using the fire exits.
I blogged @ | 7:29 AM
Fanatical person
I suppose that by putting up a blogskin some people out there may think I am fanatical. Yup, I am. ^-^. I do wish though that someone would check out my art space, I haven't been receiving comments and it's getting boring.
I blogged @ | 7:59 AM
Quiz up
Yeah! I've got a new quiz up. Sorry if the results are horribly inaccurate and if you die of shock reading them. And the haha...sorry if you character is entirely screwed up. Anyways this is the link: Have fun. BTW, I'm Patricia. MelQ
I blogged @ | 9:30 AM
Good Friday
Today I felt as if I were going to get married. I was showered with gifts and congratulations and so on and so forth. It was even better than any of my birthdays put together. (I got roses to from my cell leaders, and I put them in my fishtank.) Anyway, I opened the newsletter and saw the second-service baptist was named: Elder Matthias Quake. Haha. All my friends were screaming and cheering, they thought that my dad baptising me so cool. But that aside. I got baptised and I've finally done what I'm supposed to do. You can call me Evangeline from now on, or maybe Evans, or Vangeline, or Lyn. At least I won't get confused with the other Mels in the class. Under the blood covernant. You'll be glad if you are. ^-^!
I blogged @ | 6:21 AM