This education has reduced us to a nation of morons!I've been spewing quotes about the house. It's really fun cause I say lots of offensive statements from the books and everyone thinks I'm mad! Whee! Or am I mad, or else this is a dreamHahahaha. My apologies for the linkrots about my page. I've cleared them up anyway so happy using the fire exits.
I blogged @ | 7:29 AM
Fanatical person
I suppose that by putting up a blogskin some people out there may think I am fanatical. Yup, I am. ^-^. I do wish though that someone would check out my art space, I haven't been receiving comments and it's getting boring.
I blogged @ | 7:59 AM
Quiz up
Yeah! I've got a new quiz up. Sorry if the results are horribly inaccurate and if you die of shock reading them. And the haha...sorry if you character is entirely screwed up. Anyways this is the link: Have fun. BTW, I'm Patricia. MelQ
I blogged @ | 9:30 AM
Good Friday
Today I felt as if I were going to get married. I was showered with gifts and congratulations and so on and so forth. It was even better than any of my birthdays put together. (I got roses to from my cell leaders, and I put them in my fishtank.) Anyway, I opened the newsletter and saw the second-service baptist was named: Elder Matthias Quake. Haha. All my friends were screaming and cheering, they thought that my dad baptising me so cool. But that aside. I got baptised and I've finally done what I'm supposed to do. You can call me Evangeline from now on, or maybe Evans, or Vangeline, or Lyn. At least I won't get confused with the other Mels in the class. Under the blood covernant. You'll be glad if you are. ^-^!
I blogged @ | 6:21 AM
Today my stomach had a big disagreement with whatever I had ingested and my poophole suffered the consequences. People think I'm a sadist. I thought there was some sexual conotation to that. Sorry people, but I'd derive more pleasure from looking an acne-scared, obese guy than from killing ants. I just suppliment my fishs' diet. Scroll down the entries if you want to take the test. Happy excavating.
I blogged @ | 6:26 AM
People like me
People like me are: 1) Fluffy brained 2) Lovers of goldfish 3) Dislikers of sensitive new age guys 4) Stuffy nosed 5) Happy slackers 6) Sashimi munchers 7) Mucus spewing 8) Failed essay writers 9) In dire need of sleep 10) But are still happy for no particular reason Yeah.
I blogged @ | 7:40 AM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
60th post
I've been sourcing around for a happy blog to read happy stuff. Sad to say I haven't found a happy blog. I've been told by some happy people that I complain too much but I can't find happy stuff in their blogs either! Not that I'm very affected because of their lives. I'm almost finishing the second book of my story. Lots of spelling errors and stuff, but hey, it for my own private reading! ^-^. If anyone finds a happy blog, please let me know. Unknown to 99% of the world's population I am quite a happy soul who is currently chewing on nice chunks of sugar cane before bedtime (quite unwise no?). I'm trying to find someone else whoes a happy soul too. Church has put up an event from 4-6 pm. It's very interesting. I think so (and you better believe me cos I'm not the kind who had sit through physic class without wiping drool from my face with tissue paper). Next topic is: Evolution. Call me if you're interested.
I blogged @ | 6:41 AM
My nose is stuffy and I can't taste a thing... At least that will help me save money because I buy less food. I'm going to be making Ketch's blog real soon. As well as change his outfit. Happy day!
I blogged @ | 10:59 AM